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Metroid Zero Mission-Preview


   Metroid Zero Mission, the eagerly anticipated GBA game has finally made it's appearance at the gameshow E3 2003. Although it was not the main focus at E3 it certainly made a big impact on all the Metroid fans there. Not only does it make full use of the GBA's 32bit colour, it is just as easy to play as any other 2D version of Metroid; blasting enemies with Missles, maybe even a Super Missle, dodging Boss' attacks using Samus spin-jump, all the elements that make Metroid what it is today.  
   The game itself takes many elements from the other games in the Metroid series, mainly Metroid and Super Metroid, and many rumours have even established. MZM is suppesedly "a disguised remake of the original Metroid", this is entirely untrue; do yu recall meeting this foe during your adventure?

   In my opinion, the game looks more like Super Metroid than the original, take for instance the map in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Surely that reminds you of dear old SM. And so, from the facts we can clearly see that these rumours flying about simply aren't true.
   On a more positive note, the graphics look wonderfully made, and there is one more powerful ability that didn't appear in MF until the end of the game, the ability to explore. This time, Samus doesn't have a CO to take orders from, so you'll get the chance to go whereever you want, whenever you want, provided you have the items that allow you to do so. Old style hatches have been re-introduced and I've heard that the Grapple Beam is available (maybe this is another rumour?). Another feature that was missed out in MF was the ability to choose your Missles and other weapons from a long row at the top of the screen, MF only used two and the Missles were automatically updated. Super Metroid fans will get alot out of this, whereas if you prefered taking orders from Adam, you will perhaps find it a little more difficult.
8/10. Some of the best 2D Metroid graphics I have seen. Still doesn't beat the almighty MP.
N/A. I haven't heard any BGM alothough I suspect that old themes will be included.
N/A. I haven't heard any SFX.
9/10. SM style play ensures that this will capture all the elements that makes Metroid what it is.
9/10. MZM looks to be one hell of a game, let's just hope that the music and sounds don't let it down.


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